♫ "I used to care so much about what others think about
Almost didn’t have a thought of my own
The slightest remark would make me embark
On the journey of self doubt
But that was a while ago
This girl has gotten stronger
If I knew then what I know now
I would have told myself, don’t worry any longer, it's OK
cause a face without freckles is like a sky without ★stars★
Why waste a second not loving who you are
Those little imperfections make you beautiful, lovable, valuable,
They show your personality inside your heart
Reflecting who you are
I often wondered if I could trade my body with somebody else in magazines
With the whole world full at my feet
I phantom worthy and would blame my failures on the ugliness I could see
When the mirror looked at me
Sometimes I feel like the little girl who doesn’t belong in her own world
But I'm getting better, And I'm reminding myself:
a face without freckles is like a sky without ★ stars ★
Why waste a second not ♥ loving who you are?
Those little imperfections make you beautiful, lovable, valuable,
They show your personality inside your heart
Reflecting who you are ♫
I've lived my entire life caring [way too much] about what people think about me. I've worried, wondered, and wanted to just be accepted for who I was. It's easy to tell yourself that you're beautiful and lovable and that people like you for you...it's quite another to believe it. Things have gotten [a tiny bit] easier as I've grown up and learned to face the fact that no one's perfect, and I can't compare myself to others...But it's still something I struggle with. See, here's how it goes: I get myself ready in the morning. I feel decent, and on the occasional day a few times a year, pretty freakin sexy. Then the second I walk out the door, regardless of where I'm going, the war begins; the battle of me vs. the world. Someone prettier here, someone more popular there...nicer car...clearer skin...cuter clothes...better make up...more friends...tan skin...the list is infinite. My insecurities settle in, and I begin to judge other people, perhaps to make myself feel better? who knows. But, I guess the point is, I'm tired of comparing and judging, for fear of being compared and judged. I want to learn to accept who I am. All of me. Not just parts. Not just my red lips. Or my brown eyes. I want to love every bit of me, imperfections and all....my pale skin...my cowlick bangs that drive me insane, my curly hair, my moles and freckles...my blemishes...I want to love all five freakin feet and eight inches of me. [yes, that's another insecurity] Here's to loving how perfectly imperfect I am.