The seasons have come and gone, and before I've realized it, autumn has faded and it's the holidays again. Christmas is in less then a week. I've been thinking about past Christmas's lately, and can't help but wonder what has changed. Where has the magic gone? Why has the excitement faded? Why does it feel like it's just another time of the year? Maybe it's because the whole meaning of Christmas has been lost behind the toys and lights, trees and gifts. It could be because we've lost traditions and forgotton about the importance of the season. There's also the possibility that I've lost the spirit of Christmas through the lack of money, therefore the lack of giving. Or maybe it's just the simple fact that I've grown up. I've come to realize that the magic and spirit of Christmas doesn't just automatically come...it sits at your heart and knocks....waiting for you to open the door and let it in. I must focus on the True meaning of Christmas and surround myself with family, friends, love, traditions, and gratitude for the birth of our Savior. He is truly what this time of year is about. It is far too easy to forget. But we must always remember: "The magic of Christmas isn't in the presents, but in His presence."
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