I try all too often to be perfect. I expect too much of myself and most times it gets me in trouble. I often get so absorbed in every day life that I forget to take a step back and look at what's truly important. I get caught up in the hustle and bustle of this busy world we live in that I can't even remember why I'm here. But then, in an instant, it hits me. This is my life. I'm living it every day. If I don't focus on the here and now, it will slip through my fingers and before I know it, I'll be looking to the past. So, every day I try to remind myself of the reasons I'm on this earth, and the things that are of most importance to me. This...is life as I know it...
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Wednesday, January 5, 2011

"Look Not Behind Thee..."

It's that time of year again...a time of fresh beginnings and goals. It's a time to focus on the things that matter most, and forget about the past...You can't do anything to change it. Don't look behind you, only ahead. Here's to a good year!


1. Read The Book of Mormon
2. Take an institute class
3. Attend the temple once a month


1. Lose 25 pounds
2. No sugar for at least six months
3. Work out at least 3 times a week
4. No pop


1. Read Grandpa Pugh's History
2. Learn Something New Every Day


1. Learn to love and accept myself

1 comment:

Leslee said...

Awesome Goals Jen You are inspiring me to write a few of my own. I haven't even had a minute to even try to think of the things I need to do this year!