I try all too often to be perfect. I expect too much of myself and most times it gets me in trouble. I often get so absorbed in every day life that I forget to take a step back and look at what's truly important. I get caught up in the hustle and bustle of this busy world we live in that I can't even remember why I'm here. But then, in an instant, it hits me. This is my life. I'm living it every day. If I don't focus on the here and now, it will slip through my fingers and before I know it, I'll be looking to the past. So, every day I try to remind myself of the reasons I'm on this earth, and the things that are of most importance to me. This...is life as I know it...
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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The big Two Oh!

240 months. 1,040 weeks. 7,300 days. 1,051,897 minutes. 631,138,519 seconds. I guess it doesn't really matter how you put it, but today's my birthday, and I'm twenty years old. Wow...where have the years gone? It's weird to think that I'm such an old geezer. Life absolutely soars by. I seriously feel like I've just blinked and I'm to this point in my life. But as I ponder the past, I realize how much I've gone through to get here...I realize how many lessons I've learned, pictures I've snapped, Breaths I've taken, and memories I've created to get me to where I am right this second. It's been a long journey, and I sure as heck have a long road ahead. But I guess I shouldn't really keep track in numbers, for "life isn't measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the number of moments that take our breath away."

1 comment:

Leslee said...

Jen you are so Creative! I love you! I hope you had a good birthday! Keep your head up my friend. you are Beautiful and have so many Talents! Try to stay Busy and productive. Life has it's moments.....but just remember you aren't alone in those Crappy Moments....we all have them. Call me later, I already miss your face!